The roundtable discussion will be submitted to the UNCCD COP16 Fourth Youth Forum’s Joint Statement which will take place in December 2024, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. https://www.unccd.int/cop16/programme/special-side-events/youth-forum. The Forum will focus on: Land jobs of the future and the sustainable use of land; Green economy and youth employment; and Engagement of the youth in advocating for the protection and rehabilitation of the land. Registration for Youth Forum: https://shorturl.at/Bi275
Sixty-seven percent of Saudi’s population is under 35, according to a 2020 study released by the General Authority for Statistics. And almost half of Saudi’s workforce (47 percent) falls into this “youth bulge.” With such a young population, it’s perhaps not surprising to see new businesses, enterprises and initiatives opening up that are aligned with global millennial values. Saudi youth are the vision for Vision 2030 and today’s change-makers. The discussion will provide insights on expectations, challenges and opportunities for Saudi Youth in Green Employment and COP16.